Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Labor Day Movie

I made a movie of our Labor Day activities and posted it on YouTube. You can view it at

Today Vera and I travel to a city up north of Kiev to get Malvina's new birth certificate.  If all goes well, we'll be back on Saturday afternoon.

First we take a 2 hour bus ride to Simferopol, then ride the train to Kiev from 6 pm to 7 am, then hire a driver to take us 3 hours to Ichniya.  We grab the birth certificate and repeat the whole thing to get back.

That totals 36 hours of buses, trains and taxis during the next 48 hours. Ughhhh!


  1. Ugh. Yeah, not the best part of the experience. Good luck....

  2. holy cow! enjoy the scenery???

  3. yuck. At least you can sleep on the train!?
